Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Charta

    A preparation intended principally for external application, made either by saturating paper with medicinal substances or by applying the latter to the surface of the paper by adding adhesive liquid.  

  • Basal temperature chart

    A daily chart of temperature obtained upon awakening. Some women are able to predict the time of ovulation by carefully analyzing the character and rhythm of the temperature chart. This information and other data can be used to establish that the woman is ovulating. Use of this method to control conception by predicting time of…

  • Charle’s law

    At constant pressure, a given amount of gas expands its volume in direct proportion to the absolute temperature.  

  • Maximum allowable charge

    In medical care financial management, the maximum reimbursement rate a health plan will allow for the cost of services such as prescribed medicines or professional fees.  

  • Customary and reasonable charge

    The usual cost of a specific service to a patient. The term is used in the medical insurance industry to determine the amount the provider will be reimbursed for the service or procedure. Under Medicare, this is the lowest customary charge by a physician for a service or the prevailing charge of other area physicians…

  • Covered charge

    A medical service that is reimbursable by a third-party payer.  

  • Charcot-leyden crystal

    A type of colorless, hexagonal, double-pointed, often needle-like crystal found in the sputum in asthma and bronchial bronchitis or in the feces in ulceration of the intestine, especially amebiasis.  

  • Charcot-bouchard aneurysm

    A micro aneurysm in a small artery of the brain thought, in the past, to be a cause of intracranial hemorrhage.  

  • Superactivated charcoal

    A type of charcoal used in treating poisoning. It is several more times as effective as activated charcoal.  

  • Sex-limited characteristic

    A trait present in only one sex even though the gene responsible is present in both sexes.  

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