Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Childbed

    Historically, the period of parturition during which women remained in bed for labor, delivery, and the traditional 6 weeks’ recovery time after childbirth.  

  • Childbearing period

    The period in the life of the female during which she is capable of procreation; puberty to menopause.  

  • Chikungunya virus

    An alphavirus, typically found in Africa or Southeast Asia, that can be transmitted to humans by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes. After an incubation period of about a week, the virus produces high fevers, headache, nausea, vomiting, and severe joint pain, usually in the wrists or ankles.  

  • Flat chest

    A deformity of the chest in which the anteroposterior diameter is short, the thorax long and flat, and the ribs oblique. The scapula is prominent; the spaces above and below the clavicles are depressed. The angle formed by divergence of the costal margins from the sternum is very acute.  

  • Emphysematous chest

    A misnomer for the barrel-shaped appearance of the chest in emphysema. The thorax is short and round, the anteroposterior diameter is often as long as the transverse diameter, the ribs are horizontal, and the angle formed by divergence of the costal margin from the sternum is obtuse or obliterated.  

  • Cherubism

    A swollen appearance of the face of a child due to infiltration of the jaw, especially the mandible, with masses of vascular fibrous tissue containing giant cells. Cherubism, a hereditary condition scientifically referred to as familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaw, manifests as bilateral swelling in the jaw area, resulting in a facial appearance reminiscent…

  • Peritoneal chemotherapy

    Intraperitoneal injection of antineoplastic drugs.  

  • Induction chemotherapy

    The initial treatment of advanced cancers or leukemias with high doses of cytotoxic drugs to try to produce a remission.  

  • Consolidation chemotherapy

    Cycles of therapy with cytotoxic drugs after the initial treatment for a cancer. The object is to sustain a remission that has been achieved during induction.  

  • Combination chemotherapy

    The use of two or more complementary drugs to treat a disease.  

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