Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cholangiogastrostomy

    Surgical formation of a passage between a bile duct and the stomach.  

  • Cholangioenterostomy

    Surgical formation of a passage between a bile duct and the intestine.  

  • Chokes

    Respiratory symptoms such as substemal distress, paroxysmal cough, tachypnea, or asphyxia. These may occur in decompression illness, especially in cases of aeroembolism resulting from exposure to pressure lower than atmospheric.  

  • Chloroquine hydrochloride

    A white crystalline powder used to treat both malaria and amebic dysentery.  

  • Chlorophenothane

    An insecticide, better known as DDT, not used in the U.S. since the 1970s because of its toxic  effects on animals and the environment.  

  • Chlorophane

    A green-yellow pigment in the retina.  

  • Chloroformism

    The habit of inhaling chloroform for pleasure.  

  • Chlorofluorocarbon

    A fluorinated hydrocarbon, formerly used in metered dose inhalers as a propellant gas, that is, a gas that delivers aerosolized medications to the bronchi and lungs. CFCs were removed from the market after they were found to accumulate in the ozone layer of the stratosphere and to have a destructive effect on the upper atmosphere.…

  • Chlorite

    A salt of chlorous acid; used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent.  

  • Chloriduria

    Excess of chlorides in the urine.  

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