Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Chorda tendinea

    One of several small tendinous cords that connect the free edges of the atrioventricular valves to the papillary muscles and prevent inversion of these valves during ventricular systole.  

  • Chorda gubernaculum

    An embryonic structure forming a part of the gubernaculum testis in males and the round ligament in females.  

  • Choosing death

    Deciding to die. In particular, an individual may choose to withdraw from chronic kidney dialysis with no medical reason for withdrawing. In one study, stopping dialysis in this situation was three times more common in patients treated at home than in those treated at dialysis centers.  

  • Chondrus

    A genus of red algae that includes Chondrus crispus, the source of carrageenan, a mucilaginous substance used as an emulsifying agent. Chondrus is commonly called Irish moss or carrageen.  

  • Chondrotomy

    Dissection or surgical division of cartilage.  

  • Chondrotome

    A device for cutting cartilage.  

  • Chondrosternoplasty

    Surgical correction of a deformed sternum.  

  • Chondrosis

    The development of cartilage.  

  • Chondroprotection

    Cartilage preservation.  

  • Chondroporosis

    The porous condition of pathological or normal cartilage during ossification.  

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