Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Electric chorea

    A rare form of chorea marked by sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle group. This causes violent movements as if the patient had been stimulated by an electric current.  

  • Posthemiplegic chorea

    Chorea affecting partially paralyzed muscles subsequent to a hemiplegic attack.  

  • Mimetic chorea

    Chorea caused by imitative movements.  

  • Hysteric chorea

    A form of hysteria with choreiform movements.  

  • Hyoscine chorea

    Movements simulating chorea and sometimes accompanied by delirium, seen in acute scopolamine intoxication.  

  • Chorea gravidarum

    A form of Sydenham’s chorea seen in some pregnant women, usually in those who have had chorea before, especially in their first pregnancy.  

  • Epidemic chorea

    Dancing mania; uncontrolled dancing. It was manifested in the 14th century in Europe.  

  • Chordata

    A phylum of the animal kingdom including all animals that have a notochord during their development (i.e., all vertebrates).  

  • Chorda vocalis

    The vocal folds of the larynx.  

  • Chorda tympani

    A branch of the facial nerve (CN VII) that leaves the cranium through the stylomastoid foramen, traverses the tympanic cavity, and joins a branch of the lingual nerve. Efferent fibers innervate the submandibular and sublingual glands; afferent fibers convey taste impulses from the anterior two thirds of the tongue.  

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