Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Column chromatography

    A form of adsorption chromatography in which the adsorptive material is packed into a column.  

  • Adsorption chromatography

    Chromatography accomplished by applying the test material to one end of a sheet or column containing a solid. As the material moves, the various constituents adhere to the surface of the particles of the solid at different distances from the starting point according to their chemical characteristics.  

  • Chromatographic analysis

    Analysis of substances on the basis of the reaction of the constituents as they are differentially absorbed on one of a variety of materials such as filter paper.  

  • Chromatogram

    A record produced by chromatography.  

  • Chromatin test

    A test for genetic sex in which blood or tissue cells are examined for the presence or absence of Barr bodies.  

  • Chromaffin system

    The mass of tissue forming paraganglia and medulla of suprarenal glands, which secretes epinephrine and stains readily with chromium salts. Similar tissue is found in the organs of Zuckerkandl and in the liver, testes, ovary, and heart.  

  • Chromaffin reaction

    Histological demonstration of cytoplasmic granules containing epinephrine when subjected to stains containing chromium salts. Such granules stain green with ferric chloride, yellow with iodine, and brown with osmic acid.  

  • Chromaffin body

    One of a number of bodies composed principally of chromaffin cells, arranged serially along both sides of the dorsal aorta and in the kidney, liver, and gonads. They are ectodermal in origin, having the same origin as cells of the sympathetic ganglia.  

  • Christmas factor

    An obsolete term for coagulation factor IX.  

  • Tay’s choroiditis

    A familial condition marked by degeneration of the choroid, especially in the region about the macula lutea. It occurs in aged persons.  

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