Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ciliectomy

    Excision of a portion of the ciliary body or ciliary border of the eyelid.  

  • Ciliata

    Formerly a class of protozoa characterized by locomotion by cilia. Now called Ciliophora, a phylum of the kingdom Protista.  

  • Short ciliary nerve

    One of the several branches of the ciliary ganglion supplying the ciliary muscle, iris, and tunics of the eyeball.  

  • Long ciliary nerve

    One of the two or three branches of the nasal nerves supplying the ciliary muscle, iris, and cornea.  

  • Ciliarotomy

    Surgical section of the ciliary zone in glaucoma.  

  • Ciguatoxin

    The toxic substance (acyclic polyether) that causes ciguatera poisoning. The toxin interferes with nerve impulse transmission by altering cell membrane sodium channel polarization.  

  • Cicutism

    Poisoning resulting from ingestion of Cicuta maculata or C. virosa, water hemlock.  

  • Chymase

    An enzyme in gastric juice that accelerates the action of the pancreatic enzymes.  

  • Chylorrhea

    Escape of chyle resulting from rupture of the thoracic duct.  

  • Chylopoiesis

    Formation of chyle and its absorption by lacteals in the intestines.  

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