Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cisterna chyli

    A saclike lymphatic vessel that is anterior to the second lumbar vertebra and is the origin of the thoracic duct. Into it empty the intestinal and right and left lumbar lymphatic trunks.  

  • Subarachnoid cistern

    Any of the spaces at the base of the brain where the arachnoid becomes widely separated from the pia, giving rise to large cavities.  

  • Cis-retinal

    The form of retinal combined with a glycoprotein opsin (rhodopsin in rods) during darkness. Light striking the retina changes it to trans-retinal and begins the generation of a nerve impulse.  

  • Cis

    Stereochemistry at a carbon-carbon double bond with both substituents on the same side of the bond. Inorganic chemistry, a form of isomerism in which similar atoms or radicals are on the same side. In genetics, a prefix meaning the location of two or more genes on the same chromosome of a homologous pair.  

  • Cirsotomy

    Incision of a varicose vein.  

  • Cirsotome

    An instrument for cutting varicose veins.  

  • Cirsectomy

    Excision of a portion of a varicose vein.  

  • Zooparasitic cirrhosis

    Cirrhosis resulting from infestation with hepatobiliary parasites, especially blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma or liver flukes, Clonorchis sinensis.  

  • Syphilitic cirrhosis

    Cirrhosis occurring in tertiary syphilis, in which gummas form in the liver and cause coarse lobulation on healing.  

  • Obstructive biliary cirrhosis

    Cirrhosis resulting from obstruction of the common duct by a stone or tumor.  

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