Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cladosporium

    A genus of fungi. Tinea nigra is caused by either C. werneckii or C. mansonii.  

  • Cladosporiosis

    An infection, usually of the central nervous system, caused by the fungus Cladosporium.  

  • Cladophialophora

    A genus of pigmented soil fungi that sometimes cause cutaneous, subcutaneous, or intracerebral infections in humans, often in those with immunosuppressive ‘diseases and conditions. Species within the genus include C. bantiana, C. boppii, and C carrionii.  

  • Citronella

    A volatile oil obtained from Cymbopogon citratus, or lemongrass, that contains geraniol and citronellal. It is used in perfumes and as an insect repellent.  

  • Citrate solution

    A solution used to prevent clotting of the blood. Its use permits whole blood to be stored in a refrigerator until it is needed for transfusion.  

  • Citrated

    Combined or mixed with citric acid or a citrate.  

  • Citelli’s syndrome

    Insomnia or drowsiness and lack of concentration associated with intelligence disorders, seen in children with infected adenoids or sphenoid sinusitis.  

  • Citation bias

    The tendency for research investigations that show benefit to be quoted more often than those that are neutral or negative.  

  • Cisvestitism

    Wearing of clothes appropriate to one’s sex but suitable for a calling or profession other than one’s own. An example would be a civilian who dresses in a uniform of the armed services.  

  • Cisternal

    Concerning a cavity filled with fluid.  

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