Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Clean water act

    An act originally passed by the federal government in 1972, and since amended several times, that gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) responsibility for developing criteria for water-quality standards and controlling and regulating pollutants discharged into water sources.  

  • Ultrasonic cleaning

    The use of high-frequency vibrations to clean instruments. The use of ultrasonic energy to sterilize objects, including medical and surgical instruments.  

  • Clean-catch method

    A procedure for obtaining a urine specimen that exposes the culture sample to minimal contamination. For females, the labia are held apart and the periurethral area is cleaned with a mild soap or antibacterial solution, rinsed with copious amounts of plain water, and dried from front to back with a dry gauze pad. The urine…

  • Clean air act

    A federal law, enacted in 1956 and amended many times since then, that empowers the administration to protect the public health and welfare by defining and attempting to control atmospheric pollutants, including automotive and factory exhausts such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulates, and lead.  

  • Clavus hystericus

    A sharp pain usually localized to the vertex of the skull; said to be of psychosomatic origin.  

  • Clavicotomy

    Surgical division of the clavicle.  

  • Fracture of clavicle

    Physical injury of the clavicle sufficient to fracture it, often as a result of a fall (e.g., from a ladder or bicycle). Most clavicular fractures involve the distal one third of the bone.  

  • Dislocation of clavicle

    Traumatic displacement of either end of the clavicle.  

  • Claustrophilia

    Dread of being in an open space; a morbid desire to be shut in with doors and windows closed.  

  • Venous claudication

    Claudication resulting from inadequate venous drainage.  

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