Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Clonicotonic

    Both clonic and tonic, as some forms of muscular spasm.  

  • Clonicity

    The condition of being clonic.  

  • Clonal restriction

    The occurrence of the same characteristics as the parent cell in all clones (offspring) of one B or T lymphocyte. For example, surface receptors are identical, so clones react to the same group of specific antigens as the parent cell does.  

  • Clo

    A unit for thermal insulation of clothing. It is the amount of insulation necessary to maintain comfort in a sitting resting subject in a normally ventilated room (air movement at the rate of 10 cm/sec) at a temperature of 70°F (21°C) with relative humidity of less than 50%.  

  • Clitoromegaly

    This may be caused by an endocrine disease or by use of anabolic steroids.  

  • Clitorism

    The counterpart of priapism; a long-continued, painful condition with recurring erection of the clitoris.  

  • Clitoridotomy

    Incision of the clitoris; female circumcision.  

  • Clithrophobia

    A morbid fear of being locked in.  

  • Vascular clip

    Small titanium or polyglycolic acid vessel clamp used to occlude blood vessels or to perform vascular anastomoses. In the anastomotic application, the clips are used in place of sutures. Advocates believe that this everting technique allows for less endothelial trauma and improved bonding of collagen molecules.  

  • Clinicopathoiogical conference

    A teaching conference in which clinical findings are presented to a physician previously unfamiliar with a case, who then attempts to diagnose the disease that would explain the clinical findings. The exact diagnosis is then presented by the pathologist, who has either examined the tissue removed at surgery or has performed the autopsy.  

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