Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Coccidia

    A subclass of the phylum Apicomplexa (apical microtubule complex) of the kingdom Protista. All are intracellular parasites usually infecting epithelial cells of the intestine and associated glands.  

  • Cocarboxylase

    Thiamine pyrophosphate.  

  • Cocainization

    The use of cocaine to induce analgesia.  

  • Cocaine hydrochloride

    The hydrochloride of an alkaloid obtained from the shrub Erythroxylum coca, native to Bolivia and Peru and cultivated extensively in South America. Cocaine is classed as a drug of abuse when used for nonmedical purposes. “Street” names for cocaine include snow, coke, crack, lady, flake, gold dust, green gold, blow, and toot. Medically it is…

  • Cocaine baby

    An infant exposed to cocaine in utero through maternal use of the drug. Cocaine crosses the placenta by simple diffusion and enters the fetal circulation. This occurs because of its high lipid solubility, low molecular weight, and low ionization at physiological pH.  

  • Cobra

    Any one of a group of poisonous snakes of the genus Naja, native to parts of Africa, Asia, and Australia.  

  • Cobb angle

    The angle formed by the intersection of two lines drawn on a spinal radiograph of a person (usually a child or adolescent) suspected of having scoliosis. One line is drawn parallel to the lower surface of the lowest affected vertebral body, and the other is drawn parallel to the upper surface of the highest affected…

  • Coban

    Trade name for a self-adherent compression bandage used for protection and edema control. Also called Coban wrap.  

  • Coarctotomy

    Cutting or dividing of a stricture.  

  • Coapt

    To bring together, as in suturing a laceration.  

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