Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Triplet code

    In DNA or mRNA, the sequence of three nucleotides that is the code for a particular amino acid. The triplet sequence controls the amino acid sequence during protein synthesis.  

  • Slow code

    A colloquial term for the use of advanced cardiac life support with little if any intent to restore cardiopulmonary or neurological function. In some instances, slow resuscitative efforts are made when professional staff and moribund patients differ with respect to their interpretation of the appropriateness of end of life care. The practice, at best, rests…

  • Pacemaker code

    A code of three to five letters to describe pacemaker type and function. The first letter indicates the chamber(s) paced: V for ventricle pacing, A for atrial pacing, and D for dual chamber (i.e., both atrial and ventricular) pacing. The second letter indicates the chamber from which electrical activity is sensed (i.e., A for atrium,…

  • Civil code

    Comprehensive written organization of general rules and regulations authorized by the legislature, based on Roman, Spanish, and French civil law. In the U.S., the judicial system that presides over health care issues and lawsuits is governed by the civil code in Louisiana only and by common law in other states.  

  • Cocontraction

    A condition in which muscles around a joint or the spinal column contract simultaneously to provide stability.  

  • Coconsciousness

    Awareness of objects, ideas, or thoughts at the fringe of consciousness.  

  • Cocoa butter

    Theobroma oil; the fat obtained from the roasted seed of Theobroma cacao. It is used as a base in bricant.  

  • Cock-up toe

    A toe deformity with dorsiflexion of the metatarsophalangeal joint and flexion of the interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints.  

  • Cockroach

    Blatta orientalis, a common insect of the order Orthoptera that infests homes and food handling and storage places. It may transmit bacteria, protozoan cysts, and helminth ova to human food. It is also a common cause of household allergies and asthma.  

  • Cockcroft-gault formula

    A calculation used to estimate creatinine clearance based on age, weight, serum creatinine, and gender. Estimated creatinine clearance may be used to adjust dosages of renally excreted drugs. This formula is commonly used to adjust dosages for adult patients because their serum creatinine level may be a poor indicator of renal function. Because of decreased…

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