Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Coelenterata

    A phylum of invertebrates that includes corals, hydras, jellyfish, and sea anemones. Contact with some species can result in sting injuries.  

  • Coefficient of variation

    Analytical variability expressed as the standard deviation’s percentage of the mean. This mode of expressing the analytical variability enables one to determine if the variability proportion changes with the actual value. It is typically a useful tool when there is a relatively large dynamic range for the quantity being measured. It is subject to misinterpretation…

  • Coefficient of thermal expansion

    The change in the dimensions of a material when its temperature is raised 1°C. In dentistry, if the relative expansion and contraction of restorative materials, casts, or appliances are not accounted for, the patient may have problems with improper fitting, microleakage, or adhesive de-bonding.  

  • Coefficient of elastic expansion

    The volumetric expression in cubic centimeters of a compressed gas cylinder under hydrostatic test conditions.  

  • Coefficient of absorption

    The volume of gas absorbed by a unit volume of a liquid at 0°C and a pressure of 760 mm Hg. A diminutive reduction in the intensity of an X-ray beam, observed per unit thickness, per unit mass, or per atom of the absorbing material, characterizes an attenuation.  

  • Diffusion coefficient

    The number of milliliters of gas at 1 atmosphere of pressure that will diffuse a distance of 1 μm over 1 sq cm/min.  

  • Coefficient

    In chemistry, a numeral put before a chemical formula or compound to indicate the number of molecules of that substance taking part in the chemical reaction.  

  • Codman’s exercise

    A gentle, circular exercise of the upper extremity following immobilization to reestablish glenohumeral joint range of motion and function following trauma. Also called Codman’s movements.  

  • Code for nurses

    A statement by the American Nurses Association to guide nurses in their legal and ethical practice.  

  • Code cart

    A container or cart that can easily and quickly be moved to a patient who has suddenly developed a life threatening emergency. Supplies should always be replenished and arranged so that the most frequently used first-line drugs and equipment are readily available. Powered equipment, such as a defibrillator, is tested regularly to be certain it…

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