Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Colloidal silver

    Silver particles suspended in liquid. It is marketed as a dietary supplement. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has determined that this product has no safe or effective use. Silver preparations in which the particles of silver or silver proteinate are suspended in the solution rather than being dissolved in it.  

  • Salicylic acid collodion

    A flexible film used to remove accumulated layers of dead skin and scale (e.g., to treat psoriasis, warts, corns, or calluses).  

  • Flexible collodion

    A collodion preparation containing camphor and castor oil. It is more elastic than collodion.  

  • Colliquative

    To a liquid and excessive discharge, as a colliquative diarrhea.  

  • Colliquation

    Abnormal discharge of a body fluid.  

  • Colliculus seminalis

    An oval enlargement on the crista urethralis, an elevation in the floor of the prostatic portion of the urethra. On its sides are the openings of the ejaculatory ducts and numerous ducts of the prostate gland.  

  • Colliculitis

    Inflammation of the colliculus seminalis.  

  • Spot urine collection

    The sampling of a single, untimed urine specimen, voided spontaneously by the patient. The sample is analyzed to determine its protein, creatinine, or electrolyte content. This type of specimen differs from a timed urinary specimen, which represents all the urine a patient produces over a 12-or 24-hr period. Both types of specimen are used in…

  • Collectins

    Soluble, collagen-like proteins secreted into the blood of animals. They bind carbohydrate and fatty molecules on the surface of disease-causing microorganisms and help the body agglutinate, neutralize, or opsonize them so that they may be consumed and destroyed by white blood cells. Collectins are one component of the innate immune system.  

  • Collectin

    A plasma protein that binds carbohydrate molecules in the cell walls of microorganisms and facilitates phagocytosis.  

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