Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Colpoceliotomy

    An incision into the abdomen through the vagina.  

  • Colpitis macularis

    Small red spots on the epithelium of the upper vagina and cervix. The spots are seen best with a colposcope, and are called, colloquially, “strawberry spots.” They are often seen in women who are infected with trichomonas.  

  • Wet colostomy

    A colostomy in the right side of the colon. The drainage from this type of colostomy is liquid.  

  • Terminal colostomy

    A colostomy in which the proximal cut end of the colon is formed into a stoma and the distal colon is either resected or closed.  

  • Double-barrel colostomy

    Most often a temporary colostomy with two openings into the colon: one distal and one proximal. Elimination occurs through the proximal stoma, allowing the distal length of the colon to rest and heal. When healing is complete, the two ends are rejoined and returned to the peritoneal cavity, and normal bowel function resumes. In colitis,…

  • Colosigmoidostomy

    Surgical joining of the proximal colon to the sigmoid colon.  

  • Coloscopy

    Visual examination of the colon through a sigmoido-scope or colonoscope.  

  • Colorimetry

    A photometric technique that measures the absorption of light by colors in a test solution, as compared with that in a standard solution.  

  • Colorimetric analysis

    Analysis by adsorption of a compound and the identification of its components by color.  

  • Color hearing

    A sense of color caused by a sound.  

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