Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Comminution

    The reduction of a solid body to varying sizes by crushing, grating, hammering, pulverizing, slicing, granulating, and other processes.  

  • Comment period

    The time during which public discussion of health care regulations is invited, e.g., by federal health care agencies. When new governmental rules affecting health care are enacted, their potential effects are usually discussed in advance during open meetings. During this period members of the public, health care insurers, hospitals, clinics, and other agencies make known…

  • Commando procedure

    A surgical procedure for cancers of the head and neck in which the entire tumor, neighboring lymph nodes, and a portion of the mandible are removed.  

  • Readiness for enhanced comfort

    A pattern of ease, relief, and transcendence in physical, pyschospiritual, environmental, and/or social dimensions that can be strengthened.  

  • Combat support hospital

    A large mobile military hospital which accepts seriously injured military personnel whose condition has been stabilized near the battlefield by a mobile surgical team. A CSH provides intensive care unit support for the critically injured. Some patients with battlefield injuries are definitively stabilized at the CSH; others are transported to major medical centers for long-term…

  • Combat disorder

    Any disease or condition that affects military personnel, their families, and/or victims of war.  

  • Uremic coma

    Loss of consciousness caused by the toxic effects of the nitrogen-containing wastes and inorganic acids that accumulate in the bloodstream of patients in renal failure. Coma in renal failure usually occurs after other uremic symptoms, such as loss of appetite, confusion, lethargy, or seizures.  

  • Myxedema coma

    Unresponsiveness or lethargy that results from severe or neglected hypothyroidism. It is marked by neurological dysfunction, by respiratory depression, and by lowered body temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar, and serum sodium. The condition is an endocrinological crisis that requires treatment with thyroid and adrenocortical hormones, fluids, and glucose; gradual rewarming; ventilatory support; and intensive monitoring.…

  • Hypoglycemic coma

    Unconsciousness caused by very low blood sugars, usually less than 40 mg/dl. The most common cause is a reaction to insulin or an oral hypoglycemic agent. The patient typically will recognize, after reviving, that coma was preceded by heavy exercise, limited caloric intake, or a recent increase in the dose of diabetic medications. Occasionally alcoholic…

  • Hepatic coma

    Coma resulting from portal-systemic encephalopthy.  

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