Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Failure of compensation

    The inability of the heart muscle or other diseased organs to meet the body’s needs. In cardiac failure, this results in pulmonary congestion, difficulty breathing, and sometimes hypotension or lower extremity swelling. Causes of cardiac compensatory failure may occur in patients with ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, or cardiomyopathies.  

  • Compassion fatigue

    Cynicism, emotional exhaustion, or self-centeredness occurring in a health care professional previously dedicated to his or her work and clients.  

  • Compassionate use

    The administration of investigational drugs to a patient in a special circumstance in which it is felt that the drug may be lifesaving or effective when no other therapy would be. The procedure requires the treating physician to contact either the Food and Drug Administration or the drug manufacturer to obtain permission.  

  • Compassion

    Deep awareness of the pain and suffering of others; empathy. A feeling of sympathy people have when they witness suffering.  

  • Chronic compartment syndrome

    An increase in intra-compartmental pressure that may occur during exercise or other forms of exertional activity. The increased intra-compartmental pressure decreases blood flow to the distal extremity and impairs nerve function.  

  • Abdominal compartment syndrome

    An extreme increase in pressure within the abdominal cavity that disrupts the blood flow to vital organs. It can result from any condition that causes an accumulation of blood or fluid within the abdominal space or a decrease in size of the abdominal cavity, including abdominal or pelvic trauma, intra-abdominal hemorrhage, peritonitis, extensive abdominal packing,…

  • Compartment

    A part of the body composed of several elements linked in a common structure, e.g. the abdominal compartment, or the muscular compartments of a limb. It pertains to an assemblage of muscles, along with their accompanying nerves and blood vessels, encased within the fascia.  

  • Comparison value

    A term sometimes used in public health or toxicology as a synonym for baseline.  

  • Comparative negligence

    In forensic medicine, negligence of the plaintiff and defendant measured in terms of percentages. Damages awarded are decreased in proportion to the plaintiff s amount of negligence provided it is less than that of the defendant.  

  • Companionship service

    The provision of personal homebased protection, assistance, and company for those who cannot or do not frequently leave their residences. Companionship services include conversation, reading aloud, or running light errands and are most often provided to the aged or infirm.  

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