Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Effective compliance

    Patient compliance during positive-pressure breathing using a tidal volume corrected for compressed volume divided by static pressure.  

  • Dynamic compliance

    A measure of the ease of lung inflation with positive pressure.  

  • Nuclear pore complex

    A collection of membrane-associated proteins that regulate the passage of large molecules between the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus.  

  • Nodal premature complex

    Ectopic cardiac beat originating in the atrioventricular node.  

  • Membrane attack complex

    The combination of complement factors C5 through C9 that directly attack and kill the cell membranes of microorganisms during the terminal attack phase of the complement cascade.  

  • Complement unit

    The smallest quantity of complement required for hemolysis of a given amount of red blood cells with one amboceptor (hemolysin) unit present.  

  • Complement-fixation reaction

    A reaction seen when complement enters into combinations formed between soluble or particulate antigens and antibody. It is used to diagnose many infectious illnesses, including chlamydia, syphilis, and mycoplasma, among others. A union of an antigen and antibody, accompanied by complement, a substance in regular serum that facilitates dissolution.  

  • Complementarity

    In individual and group interactions, the extent to which emotional requirements are met.  

  • Chief complaint

    The symptom or group of symptoms that represents the primary reason for seeking health care  

  • Professional competence

    Proficiency in the application of the arts and sciences of healing. Such competence requires communication skills, dedication to serving others, empathy, good judgment, and technical knowledge.  

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