Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Digital compression

    Compression of blood vessels with the fingers to stop hemorrhage.  

  • Cerebral compression

    Potentially life-threatening pressure on the brain produced by increased intracranial fluid, embolism, thrombosis, tumors, skull fractures, or aneurysms.  

  • Breast compression

    Squeezing the breast between movable grids prior to mammographic or magnetic resonance imaging.  

  • Compressible

    Able to be pressed into a smaller space or squeezed together.  

  • Wet compress

    Two or more folds of soft cloth wrung out of water at prescribed temperatures and covered with fabric.  

  • Hot compress

    A soft, absorbent cloth folded into several layers, dipped in hot water 107° to 115°F (41.7° to 46.1°C), barely wrung out, and placed on the part to be treated. It is covered with a piece of cloth.  

  • Quarternary ammonium compound

    A salt of ammonia (NH4+) in which the loci held by the hydrogen ions in ammonia are held instead by alkyl groups.  

  • Polar compound

    A molecule with distinct electrical charges in different regions, i.e., a positive charge in one region and a negative charge in another.  

  • Inorganic compound

    One of many compounds that, in general, contain no carbon.  

  • Impression compound

    A nonelastic molding used in dentistry to make imprints of teeth and other oral tissues. Impression compound is a thermoplastic material (i.e., it softens when heated and solidifies without chemical change when cooled).  

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