Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cone cutting

    Failure to cover or expose the whole area of a radiograph with the useful beam. The film is only partially exposed.  

  • Cone cut

    An area of a dental radiograph that was not exposed to radiation during imaging as a result of improper aiming of the primary beam. To avoid this problem, the proper point of entry must be carefully calculated.  

  • Ocular cone

    A cone of light in the eye with the point on the retina.  

  • Cone of light

    One of the triangular areas of reflected light on the tympanic membrane extending downward from the umbo.  

  • Conduit

    A channel, especially one constructed surgically. A conduit refers to a channel or tube that facilitates the transportation of fluid. Surgeons may create conduits through surgical procedures to redirect the flow of bodily fluids. One commonly employed form of artificially constructed conduit is an ileal conduit, which involves utilizing a section of the small intestine…

  • Airway conductance

    The amount of airflow divided by the amount of pressure that produces it; a measure of the ability of the respiratory airways to maintain airflow.  

  • Conductance

    The conducting ability of a body or a circuit for electricity. The best conductor is one that offers the least resistance such as gold, silver, or copper. When expressed as a numerical value, conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. The unit is the ohm. Electrical conductivity refers to the measure of a material’s capacity to…

  • Operant conditioning

    The learning of a particular action or type of behavior followed by a reward. This technique was publicized by the Harvard psychologist B. F. Skinner, who trained animals to activate (by pecking, in the case of a pigeon, or pressing a bar, in the case of a rat) an apparatus that released a pellet of…

  • Condensin

    A protein complex that compacts and organizes dividing chromosomes during mitosis.  

  • Substage condenser

    The part of the lens system of a microscope that supplies the illumination critical to the resolving power of the instrument; also called an Abbe condenser.  

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