Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Herniation of the brain through the foramen magnum. This is a neurological catastrophe that almost always results in death. Pneumoconiosis produced by dust such as that from asbestos or silica. This causes fibrosis to develop in the lung.
The stalk supporting conidia.
Dustlike calculi in gallbladder and bile ducts.
Congo-Crimean viral hemorrhagic fever
A frequently fatal viral infection found in the Middle East, Africa, and southwestern Asia, characterized by bleeding, diarrhea, hepatitis, high fevers, throat pain, and vomiting. The responsible virus (Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus) is transmitted to humans by ticks or exposure to the blood of infected animals or patients. Ribavirin has been used to treat the…
An aggregation of particles in a rounded mass.
In one mass, as lymph glands.
Pulmonary congestion
The accumulation of an abnormal amount of blood in the vascular bed of the lungs. It usually occurs in association with heart failure.
Passive congestion
Hyperemia of an organ resulting from interference with blood flow from capillaries into venules (e.g., in congestive heart failure). Blockage caused by blood’s inability to flow out of a specific area.
Active congestion
Congestion resulting from increased blood flow to a part or from dilatation of blood vessels.
Congenital disease
A disease that is present at birth. It may be due to hereditary factors, prenatal infection, injury, or the effect of a drug the mother took during pregnancy.
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