Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

    A contagious viral eye infection marked by rapid onset of pain. It causes swollen eyelids, hyperemia of the conjunctiva, and later subconjunctival hemorrhage. The disease, which is self-limited and for which there is no specific therapy, usually affects both eyes. Several viral agents can cause this disease, including enterovirus 70, echovirus 7, and a variant…

  • Actinic conjunctivitis

    Conjunctivitis resulting from exposure to ultraviolet (actinic) radiation.  

  • Conjunctival test

    An outdated allergy test in which the suspected antigen is placed in the conjunctival sac; if it is allergenic for that patient, the conjunctiva becomes red and itchy and tears are produced.  

  • True conjugate

    In obstetrics, the distance between the midline superior point of the sacrum and the upper margin of the symphysis pubis. It is the anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic inlet, estimated by subtracting 1.5 to 2 cm from the measurement of the diagonal conjugate.  

  • Obstetrical conjugate

    The distance between the sacral promontory and a point slightly below the upper inner margin of the symphysis pubis; the shortest diameter to which the fetal head must accommodate to descend successfully through the pelvic inlet.  

  • External conjugate

    The diameter measured (with calipers) from the spine of the last lumbar vertebra to the front of the pubes; it is normally about 8 in (20.3 cm).  

  • Diagonal conjugate

    The distance between the sacral promontory and the lower inner surface of the symphysis pubis, usually more than 4.52 in (11.5 cm).  

  • Conjecture

    A conclusion that is not proved but rather is assumed from incomplete evidence; a guess or speculation.  

  • Coniosporosis

    A hypersensitivity reaction consisting of asthma and pneumonitis caused by breathing the spores of Cryptostroma corticate or Coniosporium corticate. These fungi grow under the bark of some types of trees. Workers who strip the bark from these trees may develop this condition.  

  • Coniosis

    Any condition caused by inhalation of dust.  

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