Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Conspicuity

    In radiology, the relative visibility of a lesion — how well it stands out against the images received from neighboring tissues.  

  • Conservatorship

    The preservation and protection of a dependent person’s self and property by another individual. The term does not refer to imprisonment or confinement in a psychiatric facility. This is called guardianship in some states.  

  • Conservation model

    A conceptual model of nursing developed by Myra Levine. The person is viewed as a holistic being who adapts to environmental challenges. In this model the goal of nursing is to promote wholeness through conservation of energy, structural integrity, personal integrity, and social integrity.  

  • Consequentialism

    The philosophical doctrine that the correctness of a choice is proven only by what that choice produces, rather than why the choice was made or what the agent intended or hoped might occur.  

  • Consenting adult

    A mature individual who agrees to participate in social or sexual activity by virtue of his or her own desire or free will.  

  • Implied consent

    Nonverbal consent suggested by the actions by the patient, as when he or she enters the dental office and sits in a dental chair. This suggests that the patient seeks examination, diagnosis, and consultation.  

  • Consensual light reflex

    The reaction of both pupils that occurs when one eye is exposed to a greater intensity of light than the other.  

  • Consensual

    To reflex stimulation of one part or side produced by excitation of another part or the opposite side.  

  • Threshold of consciousness

    In psychoanalysis, the point at which a stimulus is just barely perceived.  

  • Levels of consciousness

    States of arousal and awareness, ranging from fully awake and oriented to one’s environment to comatose. It is important to use a standardized system of description rather than vague terms such as semiconscious, semicomatose, or semistuporous.  

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