Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ineffective community coping

    A pattern of community activities for adaptation and problem solving that is unsatisfactory for meeting the demands or needs of the community.  

  • Ineffective coping

    Inadequate adaptive behavior and inability of a person in meeting life’s demands and roles.  

  • Disabled family coping

    A state in which the behavior of a significant person (family member or other primary person) disables his or her own capacities and the patient’s capacities to effectively address tasks essential to either person’s adaptation to the health challenge.  

  • Defensive coping

    The state in which an individual repeatedly projects a falsely positive self-evaluation based on a self-protective pattern that defends against underlying perceived threats to positive self-regard.  

  • Compromised family coping

    A state in which a usually supportive primary person (family member or close friend [significant other]) provides insufficient, ineffective, or compromised support, comfort, assistance, or encouragement that may be needed by the patient to manage or master adaptive tasks related to the his or her health challenge.  

  • Cooper ligaments

    Supportive fibrous structures throughout the breast that partially sheathe the lobes shaping the breast. These ligaments affect the image of the glandular tissue on a mammogram.  

  • Coomassie blue

    Anazolene sodium, a stain used to demonstrate proteins, e.g., in protein electrophoretic gels.  

  • Coolidge tube

    A kind of hot-cathode tube that is so highly exhausted that the residual gas plays no part in the production of the cathode stream, and that is regulated by variable heating of the cathode filament. Wm. D. Coolidge, in 1913, ingeniously crafted a cutting-edge x-ray tube known as the hot cathode variant. This remarkable invention…

  • Uremic convulsion

    Seizures caused by the toxic effects of accumulated waste products and inorganic acids in renal failure.  

  • Toxic convulsion

    Convulsion caused by the action of a toxin on the nervous system.  

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