Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Correction

    The altering of a condition that is abnormal or malfunctioning.  

  • Correctable visual impairment

    Any visual deficiency that can be improved with the use of eyeglasses.  

  • Tactile corpuscle

    A sensory receptor that responds to touch (e.g., Meissner’s corpuscle). Tactile corpuscles are located in the dermal papillae just beneath the epidermis and are most numerous on the fingertips, toes, soles, palms, lips, nipples, and tip of the tongue. Small epidermal structures with nerve endings that are sensitive to touch and pressure.  

  • Milk corpuscle

    A fat-filled globule present in milk. It represents the distal end of a mammary gland cell broken off in apocrine secretion.  

  • Genital corpuscle

    An encapsulated sensory nerve ending resembling a pacinian corpuscle that is found in the skin of the external genitalia and nipples.  

  • Corneal corpuscle

    A type of connective tissue cell found in the fibrous tissue of the cornea.  

  • Colostrum corpuscle

    A cell containing phagocytosed fat globules, present in milk secreted the first few days after parturition; also called colostrum body.  

  • Corpus uteri

    The main body of the uterus, located above the cervix.  

  • Corpus interpedunculare

    The gray matter between the peduncles in front of the pons varolii.  

  • Corpus hemorrhagicum

    A blood clot formed in the cavity left by rupture of the graafian follicle.  

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