Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Corticopleuritis

    Inflammation of the outer parts of the pleura.  

  • Corticobulbar

    To the cerebral cortex and upper portion of the brainstem, as the corticobulbar tract.  

  • Corticobasal degeneration

    A neurological disorder in which brain cells atrophy and die in the basal ganglia and the cortex of the brain. The disease produces symptoms similar to those found in Par kinson’s disease but does not respond to parkinsonian medications.  

  • Corticobasal

    Concerning the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia.  

  • Corticipetal

    Conducting impulses toward the outer surface, or cortex; particularly denoting thalamic radiation fibers conveying impulses to sensory areas of the cerebral cortex.  

  • Corticifugal

    Conducting impulses away from the outer surface, or cortex; particularly denoting axons of the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex.  

  • Corticectomy

    Surgical removal of a portion of the cerebral cortex.  

  • Entorhinal cortex

    The inner gyrus of the temporal lobe of the brain. It comprises the parahippocampal gyrus and the subicular cortex. In the entorhinal cortex, the five-layer structure of the ventral temporal cortex gradually merges into the single layer that is found in the dentate gyrus, the innermost edge of the temporal lobe. The entorhinal cortex receives…

  • Corrugator

    A muscle that lies above the orbit, arises medially from the frontal bone, and has its insertion on the skin of the medial half of the eyebrows. It draws the brow medially and inferiorly.  

  • Correspondence

    The act or condition of corresponding (i.e., occurring in proper relationship to other phenomena).  

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