Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cost awareness

    In the economics of medical care, knowledge and consideration of the comparative costs of preventive actions versus the treatment of avoidable illness and disability,  

  • Cosmesis

    In surgery, the consideration of the effect the procedure will have on the appearance of the patient. The term “cosmetic procedures” encompasses a broad range of interventions performed to enhance an individual’s physical appearance or rectify disfiguring physical abnormalities. Examples of such procedures include cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry, and the application of makeup to conceal…

  • Cosleeping

    The sharing of a bed by several members of the same family or clan.  

  • Corynebacterium vaginalis

    Gardnerella vaginalis. Previously known as Haemophilus vaginalis.  

  • Corynebacterium parvum

    An organism used as part of a nonspecific immunotherapy regimen (investigational) in the treatment of lung cancer.  

  • Coruscation

    The subjective sensation of flashes of light before the eyes.  

  • Ectopic corticotropin production

    The production of corticotropin by nonendocrine tissue. This is usually but not always associated with a cancer such as a small-cell cancer of the lung. In some cases, the production site may not be found.  

  • Corticothalamic

    Concerning or connecting the cerebral cortex and the thalamus of the brain.  

  • Corticostatin

    A peptide that inhibits adrenocorticotropic hormone-stimulated secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal glands. Rich in arginine and cystine, it is secreted by cells in the lungs, spleen, pituitary, and other organs. It competes with corticotropin for binding sites and appears to mediate the physiological response of the body to sepsis.  

  • Corticopontine

    To or connecting the cerebral cortex and the pons.  

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