Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cotransport

    The transfer of two substances in the same direction across a cell membrane.  

  • Cotinine

    The principal metabolite of nicotine; excreted in the urine. Its detection indicates that the individual has recently smoked cigarettes or inhaled secondhand smoke.  

  • CO2 therapy

    Therapeutic application of low temperatures with solid carbon dioxide.  

  • Cosyntropin

    Synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). It is used to test for adrenal insufficiency by giving the medication parenterally and checking plasma cortisol levels at timed intervals. If the levels fail to rise appropriately, adrenal insufficiency is present.  

  • Cost recovery

    A payment demanded by a professional licensing board from a practitioner found to have violated standards of practice. The fee is a reimbursement to the board for the expenses it incurs during the investigation and prosecution of its case against the practitioner.  

  • Costotomy

    Incision or division of a rib or part of one.  

  • Costotome

    Knife or shears for cutting through a rib or cartilage.  

  • Costosternoplasty

    Surgical repair of funnel chest. A portion of a rib is used to support the sternum.  

  • Costocervical

    Concerning the ribs and neck.  

  • Cost minimization

    The selection or employment of the least expensive of several health-care options.  

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