Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Creatinine clearance test

    A laboratory test for estimating glomerular filtration rate of the kidney. Creatinine clearance can be estimated by use of the following formula for males: (140 – age) (body weight in kg)/72 X serum creatinine (mg/dl) For females, the formula is multiplied by 0.85. The normal creatinine clearance is about 125 ml/min. Lower levels reflect renal…

  • Creatinemia

    An excess of creatine in circulating blood.  

  • Inframammary crease

    The attachment of the inferior edge of the breast to the chest wall; the location of the film during craniocaudal filming of the breast.  

  • Gluteofemoral crease

    The crease that bounds the inferior border of the buttocks.  

  • Crease

    A line produced by a fold.  

  • Crawford small parts dexterity test

    A performance test that uses the manipulation of small tools under standardized conditions to measure fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.  

  • Craving

    An uncontrollable desire to be exposed to something, especially to an addictive agent.  

  • Crash cart

    A mobile medicine chest for storing and transporting the equipment, medications, and supplies needed to manage life-threatening emergencies (e.g., anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest or dysrhythmias, pulmonary edema, shock, or major trauma).  

  • Craniotrypesis

    The introduction of trephine or burr holes into the cranial bones.  

  • Craniotome

    A device for forcibly perforating and dividing a fetal skull in labor in order to allow labor to continue. This is done when the fetus has died in utero. An operative tool employed in skull surgery, the self-regulating surgical drill demonstrates a unique mechanism that automatically halts drilling upon penetration of the bone, ensuring precise…

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