Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Crouch

    To bend the knees and bring the upper body down and forward.  

  • Croton oil

    Oleum tiglii; a fixed oil expressed from the seed of the croton plant, Croton tiglium. It is toxic to skin, heart, muscle, and the gastrointestinal tract.  

  • Crotalus

    A genus of venomous snakes that includes most rattlesnakes.  

  • Crossover trial

    Any scientific study of a therapeutic agent in which participants are exposed in sequence to the putative cure and subsequently (or previously) to an inactive agent or an agent whose efficacy has been previously established. The participants “cross over” from one arm of the study to the other and serve as their own control group.…

  • Cross-fertilization

    Fusion of male and female gametes from different individuals.  

  • Cross education

    Contralateral facilitation or changes resulting from exercise.  

  • Crossed finger technique

    A hazardous method of opening an unconscious patient’s mouth by placing the thumb and index finger of a gloved hand on opposite rows of teeth and spreading the jaw open.  

  • Crossed

    Passing from one side to the other, as the crossed corticospinal tract, in which nerve fibers cross from one side of the medulla to the other.  

  • Cross-dress

    To dress in clothing worn by members of the opposite sex.  

  • Cross-cultural

    Concerning the physiological and social differences and similarities of two or more cultures.  

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