Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • C-terminal

    In chemical nomenclature, the alpha-carboxyl group of the last amino acid of a molecule.  

  • Ctenocephalides

    A genus of fleas belonging to the order Siphonaptera. Common species are C. canis and C. felis, the dog flea and cat flea, respectively. The adults feed on their hosts, whereas the larvae live on dried blood and feces of adult fleas. Adults may attack humans and other animals. They are intermediate hosts of the…

  • Crystalluria

    The appearance of crystals in the urine. It may occur following the administration of many drugs, including sulfonamides. It can be prevented by adequate hydration.  

  • Crystalloiditis

    Inflammation of the crystalline lens.  

  • Crystallography

    The study of crystals; useful in investigating renal calculi.  

  • Crystalline deposits

    An acid group including the urates, oxalates, carbonates, and sulfates. The alkaline group includes the phosphates and cholesterin ammonium urate.  

  • Spermine crystal

    A crystal composed of spermine phosphate and seen in prostatic fluid on addition of a drop of ammonium phosphate solution.  

  • Liquid crystal

    A substance that alters its color or changes from opaque to transparent when subjected to changes in temperature, electric current, pressure, or electromagnetic waves, or when impurities are present. Liquid crystals have been used to detect temperature fluctuation in infants and may be divided into two general classes: cholestric, which change color; and nematic, which…

  • Charcot-Robin crystal

    A type of crystal formed in the blood in leukemia.  

  • Charcot-Neumann crystal

    A spermine crystal found in semen and some animal tissues.  

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