Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cumulative

    Increasing in effect by successive additions. Accumulation or escalation, typically referring to the situation where a drug is administered more rapidly than the body can metabolize, resulting in an intensified effect.  

  • Culture-bound syndrome

    A recurrent, locality-specific pattern of behavior or disease; a folk illness; an illness that affects a specific ethnic group, tribe, or society.  

  • Streak culture

    The spreading of the bacteria inoculum by drawing a wire containing the inoculum across the surface of the medium.  

  • Slant culture

    A culture in which the medium is placed in a tube that is slanted to allow greater surface for growth of the inoculum of bacteria.  

  • Radiometric culture

    A method for detecting the presence of microorganisms in a sample body fluid or tissue in which the metabolism of infecting organisms is demonstrated by their incorporation or release of specifically radiolabeled chemicals in the culture medium, e.g., carbon dioxide labeled with 14C. Radiometric culture media have been used to detect bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria, and…

  • Positive culture

    A culture that reveals the suspected organism.  

  • Nonradiometric culture

    A culture medium in which the growth of microorganisms is detected without the use of radioactive isotopes.  

  • Negative culture

    A culture made from suspected matter that fails to reveal the suspected organism.  

  • Hanging drop culture

    A culture accomplished by inoculating the bacterium into a drop of culture medium on a cover glass and mounting it upside down over the depression on a concave slide.  

  • Hanging block culture

    A thin slice of agar seeded on its surface with bacteria and then inverted on a coverslip and sealed in the concavity of a hollow glass slide.  

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