Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cupric sulfate

    The pentahydrate salt of copper, CuS04-5H20, used as an antidote in treating phosphorus poisoning.  

  • Cupric

    Concerning divalent copper, Cu++, in solution; also referred to as Cu II or copper II.  

  • Cup arthroplasty of hip

    Surgical technique for remodeling the femoral head and acetabulum and then covering the head with a metal cup. It is rarely used in treating arthritis of the hip. Total hip replacement is usually the procedure of choice in the elderly as well as in young adults on a selective basis.  

  • Physiological cup

    A depression in the center of the optic nerve through which the blood vessels pass; normal cup to disc ratios range from 0.3 to 0.5 of the disk diameter.  

  • Glaucomatous cup

    An enlargement of the normal physiological cup due to glaucomatous nerve damage.  

  • Favus cup

    A cup-shaped crust that develops in certain fungal infections.  

  • Cunnilinguist

    One who practices cunnilingus.  

  • Cumulus oophorus

    A solid mass of follicular cells that surrounds the developing ovarian follicle. It projects into the antrum of the graafian follicle.  

  • Cumulus

    A small elevation; a heap of cells.  

  • Cumulative drug action

    The action of repeated doses of drugs that are not immediately eliminated from the body. For example, preparations containing lead, silver, and mercury tend to accumulate in the body and gradually produce symptoms of poisoning. A drug effect that is apparent only after several doses have been given. It is caused by excretion or metabolic…

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