Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cutis marmorata

    Transient mottling of the skin caused by exposure to decreased temperature.  

  • Cutis laxa

    A rare inherited condition in which there is loss of elastic fibers of the skin. The skin becomes so loose it hangs and sags. Pulmonary emphysema, intestinal diverticula, and hernias also may be present. There are at least three inheritable patterns of this disease. There is no known treatment.  

  • Cutis aurantiasis

    Yellow discoloration of the skin resulting from ingesting excessive quantities of vegetables, such as carrots, which contain carotenoid pigments.  

  • Cutis

    The skin, consisting of the epidermis and the corium (dermis) and resting on the subcutaneous tissue.  

  • Cutireaction

    An inflammatory or irritative reaction appearing on the skin; skin reaction.  

  • Cutin

    A wax that combines with cellulose to form the cuticle of plants.  

  • Cuticularization

    Growth of skin over a sore or wound.  

  • Cuticula dentis

    A skinlike membrane that may cover the teeth after they have erupted and usually is lost in ordinary mastication of food. The membrane is easily removed by a dentist.  

  • Enamel cuticle

    The thin, calcified layer that covers the enamel crown of the tooth prior to eruption. Remnants that persist after decalcification of the tooth for microscopy are called Nasmyth’s membrane.  

  • Dental cuticle

    The glycosaminoglycans layer produced by attachment epithelium on the cementum of the tooth root. It is continuous with and identical in origin and function to enamel cuticle, which is present on the enamel crown.  

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