Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Enterogenous cyanosis

    Cyanosis induced by intestinal absorption of toxins or by certain drugs.  

  • Congenital cyanosis

    Cyanosis usually associated with stenosis of the pulmonary artery orifice, ventricular septal defect, or a patent foramen ovale or ductus arteriosus.  

  • Central cyanosis

    A bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes in the mouth, indicating hypoxemia and respiratory failure.  

  • Cyanoacrylate adhesives

    Monomers of N- alkyl cyanoacrylate that have been used as a tissue adhesive in the repair of simple lacerations (e.g., of the arms or legs). Commercially available versions are called “superglue.”  

  • Cyanmethemoglobin

    Combination of cyanide and methemoglobin.  

  • Cuvette

    A small transparent glass or plastic container, especially one used to hold liquids to be examined photometrically.  

  • Cut throat

    Laceration of the throat. The seriousness of the injury depends on the angle of thrust of the cutting object, the location of the injury, and the amount of tissue damage.  

  • Cut point

    In any analysis of data, a specified value used to sort continuous variables into discrete categories. It may be set according to its usefulness in predicting abnormal clinical events or arbitrarily.  

  • Cutization

    Skinlike changes in a mucous membrane as a result of continued inflammation.  

  • Cutis verticis gyrata

    Convoluted scalp folds 1 to 2 cm thick. It may develop any time from birth to adolescence and is more common in males. The skin cannot be flattened by traction.  

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