Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Daily wake up

    The interruption of sedative-drug infusions in mechanically ventilated patients to permit assessments of mental status and to facilitate the discontinuation of life support.  

  • Dactylolysis

    Spontaneous amputation of fingers or toes, seen in leprosy, ainhum, and produced in utero.  

  • Dactylogryposis

    Permanent contraction of the fingers.  

  • Sickle cell dactylitis

    Painful swelling of the feet and hands during the first several years of life in children with sickle cell anemia.  

  • Dactyl

    A finger or toe; a digit of the hand or foot.  

  • Dacryocystectomy

    Excision of membranes of the lacrimal sac.  

  • Czermak’s spaces

    The interglobular spaces in dentin caused by failure of calcification.  

  • Cytozoon

    A protozoon that lives as an intracellular parasite.  

  • Cytozoic

    Living within or attached to a cell, as certain protozoa.  

  • Cytotropism

    The movement of cells toward or away from a stimulus such as drugs, viruses, bacteria, or physical conditions such as heat or cold. The movement of cells toward or away from a stimulus such as drugs, viruses, bacteria, or physical conditions such as heat or cold.  

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