Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Dartos muscle reflex

    Wormlike contraction of the dartos muscle following sudden cold application to the perineum.  

  • Dartos muliebris

    A veil-like smooth muscle just under the skin of the labia majora.  

  • Dartoid

    Resembling the tunica dartos in its slow, involuntary contractions.  

  • Darmstadtium

    Chemical element 110. A synthesized radioactive metal with a very short half-life.  

  • Darkroom

    A room designed to be devoid of light. The darkroom is necessary for the development of radiographic film. A light-tight chamber, sufficiently aerated, designed for the specific tasks of manipulating and developing radiographic film.  

  • Dark reactions

    Any enzymatically mediated chemical reaction that takes place in the absence of light. One example is the series of light-independent reactions that produce glucose from carbon dioxide and cellular energy sources.  

  • Dardarin

    A protein whose presence in the body has been associated with an autosomal dominant (familial) form of Parkinson’s disease.  

  • Daptacel

    Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), adsorbed.  

  • Dapaong’s tumor

    A painful, nodular mass in the large bowel, a result of infection with Oesophagostomum bifurcum, a West African worm.  

  • Danysz phenomenon

    A phenomenon that illustrates the reversibility of precipitation of antibody and antigen complexes. When a specified amount of diphtheria toxin is added all at once to an antitoxin serum, the mixture is non toxic; but when the same quantity of toxin is added in portions at about 30-min intervals, the mixture is toxic.  

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