Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Functional death

    Central nervous system death with vital functions being artificially supported.  

  • Fetal death

    Spontaneous demise of the fetus occurring after the 20th week of gestation. The cause is often unknown; however, fetal death often is associated with maternal infection, diabetes mellitus, fetal and placental abnormalities, and pre-eclampsia.  

  • Activation-induced cell death

    Destruction of T or B lymphocytes that would otherwise be activated by contact with “self-antigens. AICD maintains immunologic tolerance; it is enhanced by interleukin-2 (IL-2) and inhibited by interleukin-15 (IL-15). Help that enables an individual who wants to die to do so. This may take the form of counseling or actually providing the means and…

  • Dearterialization

    Changing of arterial into venous blood; deoxygenation.  

  • Deaminization

    Loss of the NH2 radical from amino compounds. Alanine can be deaminized to produce ammonia and pyruvic acid: CH3CH(NH2)COOH + 0 = CH3CO COOH + NH³. Deaminization may be simple, oxidative, or hydrolytic. Oxidizing enzymes are called deaminization enzymes when the oxidation is accompanied by splitting off of amino groups. Deaminization is the first step…

  • Deamidation

    The removal of an amide group by hydrolysis.  

  • Deamidase

    An enzyme that splits amides to form carboxylic acid and ammonia.  

  • Tone deafness

    The inability to detect differences in musical sounds.  

  • Psychic deafness

    A condition in which auditory sensations are perceived but not comprehended.  

  • Prelingual deafness

    Hearing impairment that is present in infancy and childhood, before language skills are acquired.  

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