Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The return of parts to a homogeneous state.
Optic decussation
Crossing of fibers of the optic nerves; the optic chiasma.
Decussation of pyramids
Crossing of fibers of pyramids of the medulla oblongata from one pyramid to the other.
Decubitus projection
A radiographic procedure, using the decubitus positions and the central ray of the x-ray beam placed horizontally, which aids in the demonstration of air-fluid levels.
A state of general feebleness and decline that sometimes accompanies old age; weakness; infirmity.
The period in the course of a febrile disease when the fever subsides.
Pulmonary decortication
Removal of the pleura of the lung or a portion of the surface lung tissue.
Decorticate posture
The characteristic posture of a patient with a lesion at or above the upper brainstem. The patient is rigidly still with arms flexed, fists clenched, and legs extended.
Decorin-binding protein
One of two antigens released by Borrelia burgdorferi (the spirochete that causes Lyme disease). The antigen may be useful as a target for Lyme disease vaccination.
A small proteoglycan that opposes the actions of transforming growth factor beta in connective tissues, especially in the response to inflammation, injury, or scarring.
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