Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Delirifacient

    An agent that alters mental status, causing agitated confusion (e.g., atropine or other anticholinergic drugs).  

  • Deliquescence

    The process of becoming liquefied or moist by absorbing of water from the air. Ordinary table salt has this property.  

  • Delayed transfusion reaction

    The immune mediated destruction of donated blood cells, occurring about 3 to 5 days after a transfusion and often resulting from recipient antibodies against minor antigens on donor red cells. Delayed transfusion reactions are relatively uncommon except in patients who have received many previous transfusions and have become alloimmunized (e.g., patients with sickle cell anemia).…

  • Delayed reaction

    A reaction occurring a considerable time after a stimulus, especially a reaction such as a skin inflammation occurring hours or days after exposure to the allergen. An allergic response that arises hours or even days after exposure to an allergen. This reaction can be confined to the contact area or widespread, affecting the entire body.…

  • Delayed hypersensitivity reaction

    A localized skin response mediated by T cells, which occurs 24 to 72 hr after injection of a specific antigen to which the person has been previously sensitized. It is used routinely to screen for tuberculosis infection through injection of purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In patients with immunodeficiency, common microbial antigens to which…

  • Delayed health effect

    A consequence of an exposure to a contaminant, drug, toxin, or treatment that manifests itself months, years, or decades after the exposure.  

  • Dejerine-Sottas disease

    An inherited, progressive, motor, and sensory demyelinating neuropathy. Nerve roots from affected persons are hypertrophied.  

  • Dejecture

    A cast-down feeling or mental depression.  

  • Deja entendu

    Recognition of something previously understood.  

  • Deionization

    Removal of ions from a substance, producing a substance free of minerals.  

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