Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Apoplectic dementia

    Sudden loss of cognitive or intellectual function as a result of a large or bloody stroke or a brain tumor. A type resulting from a stroke that leads to the softening of brain tissue.  

  • Alcoholic dementia

    A form of toxic dementia in which there is loss of memory and problem-solving ability after many years of alcohol abuse. The ultimate phase of cognitive decline caused by excessive drinking and long-term alcohol abuse. An extended type of cognitive decline that manifests in the advanced stages of long-term alcohol abuse.  

  • Demented

    Chronically cognitively impaired.  

  • Dematiaceous

    To fungi having a dark brown or black appearance. The dark pigment is found in the hyphae or the conidia.  

  • Dematiaceae

    A family of fungi that contain melanin in their cell walls and have a dark color. They occasionally infect humans, especially those who are immunocompromised.  

  • Demasculinization

    Loss of male sexual characteristics. This may be caused by lack of the male hormone or by the action of certain drugs. The absence of typical male secondary sexual characteristics in males is characterized by the term “demasculinization.” This encompasses diminished facial hair growth, along with testicular atrophy (degeneration of the testes) and reduction in…

  • Demand valve manually cycled resuscitator

    A multifunction resuscitator that uses high-flow oxygen. This device often can be triggered by negative pressure caused by an inhaling patient as well as operated by a button while the operator watches the patient’s chest rise. During resuscitation, it is necessary to use the positive pressure aspect of this device and manually trigger or compress…

  • Demand-induced ischemia

    Insufficient blood flow to meet the needs of the heart produced by tachycardia and relative hypotension rather than by flow-limiting blockages within the coronary arteries. Demand ischemia may occur in atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response; in hypotension or hypovolemia; or in sepsis or the systemic inflammatory response syndrome.  

  • Specific adaptations to imposed demand

    A principle in exercise prescription that any tissue will alter its structure to accommodate the stresses placed on it. The intensity and direction of force, type and speed of muscle contraction, frequency and duration of exercise, range of motion, and external environment influence tissue adaptation. In physical therapy, this principle is used to prescribe the…

  • Unsystematized delusion

    A delusion with no correlation between ideas and actual conditions.  

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