Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Demodex folliculorum

    The hair follicle or face mite; an almost microscopic elongated wormlike organism that infests hair follicles and sebaceous glands of various mammals, including humans.  

  • Demodectic

    Concerning or caused by the mite Demodex.  

  • Demilune

    A crescent shaped group of serous cells that form a caplike structure over a mucous alveolus. They are present in mixed glands, especially the submandibular gland.  

  • Toxic dementia

    Dementia caused by exposure to neurotoxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic, alcohol, or cocaine.  

  • Syphilitic dementia

    Dementia caused by tertiary syphilis.  

  • Dementia pugilistica

    Traumatic dementia (i.e., encephalopathy or an organic brain syndrome caused by closed head injury). It is sometimes referred to colloquially as “boxer’s brain.” The term used to describe the syndrome known as “punch-drunk,” which refers to brain damage resulting from repetitive head trauma.  

  • Primary dementia

    Dementia associated with Alzheimer’s disease.    

  • Postfebrile dementia

    Dementia following a severe febrile illness.  

  • Epileptic dementia

    An infrequent complication of epilepsy, presumed to result from injury to neurons during uncontrolled seizures. Cognitive decline observed in certain severe cases of epilepsy.  

  • Dialysis dementia

    A neurological disturbance in patients who have been on dialysis for several years. There are speech difficulties, myoclonus, dementia, seizures, and, eventually, death. The causative agent is presumed to be aluminum in the dialysate.  

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