Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Dental emergency

    An acute condition affecting the teeth, such as inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding teeth or post-treatment complications of dental surgery. It is best treated by a dentist. Nevertheless, the primary care physician and other health care professionals must be familiar with these emergency conditions and their management.  

  • Dental consonant

    A consonant pronounced with the tongue at or near the front upper teeth.  

  • Dental chart

    A diagram of the teeth on which clinical and radiographic findings can be recorded. It includes existing restorations, decayed surfaces, missing teeth, periodontal pocket depth, and the conditions of all soft tissues.  

  • Microvessel density

    The concentration of small blood vessels in a malignant tumor. It reflects the amount of angiogenesis within the tumor and has been correlated with the ability of tumors to grow and metastasize.  

  • Caloric density

    Calories per gram of food. The number of calories in a given mass of food influences hunger and feeding behaviors in animals and humans. When a limited amount of food is available, foods of higher caloric density are more likely to satisfy hunger than equivalent amounts of food with fewer calories. Calorically dense foods that…

  • Densitometer

    An instrument that measures bacterial growth and the effect on it of antiseptics and bacteriophages. An apparatus employed to quantify the optical density of a specific radiograph.  

  • Densimetric analysis

    Analysis by determination of the specific gravity (density) of a solution and estimation of the amount of solids.  

  • Dense granule deficiency syndrome

    A disorder of blood clotting caused by an absence of dense granules in platelets. These granules normally help activate platelets when a blood vessel is cut or injured and help damaged blood vessels to constrict. Their deficiency produces abnormal platelet aggregation. Characteristic laboratory findings may include a prolonged bleeding time.  

  • Denitrogenation

    In aerospace medicine, the removal of nitrogen from the body of a person preparing to fly in an environment in which the barometric pressure will be much lower than at sea level. Prior to the flight, the person breathes 100% oxygen for a variable length of time, depending on the anticipated degree of reduced barometric…

  • Denitrify

    To remove nitrogen from something.  

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