Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Mixed dentition

    A set of both primary and permanent teeth, as in children between 6 and 13 years of age.  

  • Impaired dentition

    Disruption in tooth development/eruption patterns or structural integrity of individual teeth.  

  • Heterodont dentition

    A set of teeth of various shapes that may serve different functions (e.g., incisors, canines, and molars).  

  • Diphyodont dentition

    Two sets of teeth (i.e., primary and permanent, as in many mammals and humans).  

  • Public health dentistry

    The area of dentistry that seeks to improve the dental health of communities by epidemiological studies, research in preventive methods, and better distribution, management, and use of dental skills.  

  • Prosthodontic dentistry

    The replacement of defective or missing teeth with artificial appliances such as bridges, crowns, and dentures.  

  • Preventive dentistry

    That phase of dentistry concerned with the maintenance of the normal masticatory apparatus by teaching good oral hygiene and dietary practice, and preserving dental health by early restorative procedures. A facet of dentistry focused on thwarting tooth decay and gum ailments. It involves promoting effective oral hygiene practices, administering fluoride treatment, and performing scaling procedures.…

  • Operative dentistry

    The restoration of dental structure with amalgam, gold, or other suitable materials.  

  • Hospital dentistry

    The practice of dentistry in a hospital where the dentist is an integral part of the comprehensive health care team.  

  • Four-handed dentistry

    Extensive use of a chairside dental assistant to facilitate and enhance the productivity of the dentist.  

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