Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Desmitis

    Inflammation of a ligament.  

  • Desmepithelium

    The epithelial lining of vessels and synovial cavities.  

  • Desktop video computing

    A video conferencing system in which at least one terminal is a personal computer.  

  • Descensus testis

    The normal passage of the testicle from the abdominal cavity down into the scrotum. This occurs during the last few months of fetal life.  

  • Descendens hypoglossi

    A branch of the hypoglossal nerve occurring at the point at which the nerve curves around the occipital artery, which passes down obliquely across (sometimes within) the sheath of the carotid vessels to form a loop just below the middle of the neck with branches of the second and third cervical nerves.  

  • Descend

    To move from the top of the body toward the feet; to move in a caudal direction.  

  • Descemetocele

    A protrusion of Descemet’s membrane.  

  • Desaturation

    A process whereby a saturated organic compound is converted into an unsaturated one, as when stearic acid, C18H3602, is changed into oleic acid, C18H3402. The product has different physical and chemical properties after this transformation.  

  • Desalination

    Partial or complete removal of salts from a substance, as from seawater or brackish water, so that it is suitable for agricultural or household purposes but not necessarily for drinking.  

  • Dermolipoma

    A growth of yellow fatty tissue beneath the bulbar conjunctiva.  

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