Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Despair

    The eighth stage in Erikson’s developmental theory; the opposite of ego integrity. The individual experiences sorrow over past life events and dismay over a foreshortened life.  

  • Desoxycorticosterone

    An active steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. It plays an important role in the regulation of water and salt metabolism. A hormone produced by the adrenal gland that plays a role in managing water and electrolyte balance. It’s used to treat Addison’s disease and is also referred to as D.O.C.A.  

  • Desmotomy

    Dissection of a ligament.  

  • Desmotologist

    A health care provider who specializes in the care of the incarcerated. The branch of medicine that addresses the health care needs of people detained in jails, juvenile detention centers, and prisons. Common conditions encountered in these settings include depression, hepatitis C, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), personality disorders, psychosis, and trauma.  

  • Desmosis

    Any disease of the connective tissue.  

  • Desmopathy

    Any disease affecting ligaments. An abnormal tendency to form fibrous tissue or adhesive bands.  

  • Desmology

    The science of tendons and ligaments.  

  • Desmoglein

    A cell surface molecule typically found in desmosomes. Autoantibody disruption of cellular adhesion by desmogleins results in pemphigus. Disruption of desmogleins by staphylococcal toxins is responsible for the blistering of the skin seen in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome.  

  • Desmocytoma

    A tumor formed of desmocytes. A sarcoma.  

  • Desmocranium

    In the embryo, the earliest form of the skull.  

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