Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Detrusor urinae
The external longitudinal layer of the muscular coat of the bladder.
Detrusor instability
Contractions of the muscles of the urinary bladder during the filling phase of a urodynamic study or during coughing, sneezing, or other activities that raise intra-abdominal pressures. It is a cause of urinary incontinence, especially in women. Some experts believe detrusor overactivity to be the most common cause of urinary incontinence in older adults. Causes…
Colloquial term for detoxification.
Surgical therapy for torsion of a testicle, ureter, or volvulus of the bowel.
Smoking deterrent
Any agent, such as nicotine, nicotine antagonists, or some antidepressant drugs, that relieves the desire to smoke tobacco products.
Deterministic effect
An effect that has a threshold of chemical or radiation exposure below which are no measurable effects and above which the severity is dose-related.
That which determines the character of something.
Anionic detergent
A natural or synthetic chemical substance with disinfectant properties due to the presence of an active, negatively charged chemical group.
Radiation detector
An instrument used to detect the presence of radiation.
Optical detector
The sensor in a typical colorimeter or photometer that senses the light transmitted by the sample.
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