Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Occipitomental diameter
The greatest distance between the most prominent portion of the occiput and the point of the chin (about 13.5 cm).
Occipitofrontal diameter
The distance from the posterior fontanel to the root of the nose.
Obstetrical diameter of pelvic inlet
The shortest distance between the sacrum and the symphysis pubis. This diameter is shorter than the true conjugate.
Mesiodistal diameter
The measurement of a tooth from the ventral or mesial surface to the distal or dorsal surface.
Mentobregmatic diameter
The distance from the chin to the middle of the anterior fontanel.
Labiolingual diameter
The measurement of an anterior tooth from the labial to the Ungual surface.
Intertuberous diameter
The distance between the ischial tuberosities. Most commonly, this measure of the female pelvic outlet is greater than 9 cm, allowing the exit of an average-sized term fetus.
Interspinous diameter
The distance between the two anterior superior spines of the ilia.
Frontomental diameter
The distance from the top of the forehead to the point of the chin.
External conjugate diameter
The anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic inlet measured externally; the distance from the skin over the upper part of the symphysis pubis to the skin over a point corresponding to the sacral promontory.
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