Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Digenetica

    An order of parasitic flatworms belonging to the class Trematoda. It reproduces asexually, lives usually in molluscs, and alternates with a sexual generation living in vertebrates as their final host. It includes all four groups of flukes parasitic in humans.  

  • Digastric

    Having two bellies; said of certain muscles.  

  • Diffusate

    In dialysis, the portion of a liquid that passes through a membrane and that contains crystalloid matter in solution.  

  • Diffraction grating

    The device in a spectrophotometer that disperses white light into the colors (wavelengths) of the electromagnetic spectrum, using multiple lines precisely etched into an optically aligned material such as a specialized mirror or metal plate.  

  • Differentiation therapy

    The use of medications to make cancer cells evolve into cells no longer capable of infinite replication.  

  • Differential lung ventilation

    The use of different ventilatory strategies in each lung in a patient with focal lung disease, e.g., a patient undergoing surgery to remove a tumor in one lobe of a lung but not another, or a patient with more severe COPD on one side of the chest than another. This technique requires a double-lumen endotracheal…

  • Differential amplifier

    An amplifier used to increase the difference between two signals, one of which is usually a reference.  

  • Differential

    Marked by or relating to differences. A hematological analysis that involves the calculation of the proportions of different cell types present in the blood, along with determining the overall count of cells.  

  • Dieulafoy’s triad

    Tenderness, muscular contraction, and skin hyperesthesia at McBurney’s point in acute appendicitis.  

  • Dietotherapy

    Use of the sciences of dietetics and nutrition in treating disease.  

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